Kingdom of Loathing

Originally posted by KuKzz@Jun 22, 2004 @ 09:07 PM

Added 21000 meat to the clan stash...btw maybe we'll buy a calendar next ?

How can you have so much meat and just being level 4 ? I don't get it :huh

For the next purchase we started to talk about the moxie machine, but nothing is decided yet ...

Here are the options :

- a muscle machine (HoBo-Flex workout machine)

- a mysticality machine (Big Book of Magicalness)

- a moxie machine (Tan-U-Lots Tanning Bed)

- a calendar (extra turns a day, might be 1 or 3, we're not sure yet)

Please give us feedback about what you're best interested in ;)

Each machine costs 30 000 meat, and the calendar 50 000.

So far we have 36 500 meat in the clan coffer.
I agree, a moxie machine sounds like the way to go.

I'm busy at work today so I won't be back for another 7 hours or so. Maybe we can buy the machine after the new day starts, so that we get the interest (or dividend) on the money in the stash first. :)

365 (or more) each would be nice.
My thoughts exactly. :)

What next? A HoBo-Flex workout machine? Calendar? I must admit that the calendar sounds like a bit of a rip off...
Originally posted by Curtis@Jun 23, 2004 @ 02:00 PM

I must admit that the calendar sounds like a bit of a rip off...

Especially when a Clockwork Maid gives you 4 turns... keep an eye out for empty meat tanks!

I'd say that we should go for some more equipment - either muscle or mysticality - but also try to keep the funds up. Maybe wait until we have 40K meat before making a purchase...
It's great. :)

6 adventures for 2 moxie points is a great payoff. :)

More training gear is a goer, and I agree about keeping cash reserves up. We only need to maintain around 50000 in the coffers to get the most from the meat tree.
Heh...I finally figured out that somethings could be opened - like those two Gnollish Toolboxes that I put in the clan stash a couple of days ago. One of them had a cog and spring, the other contained 2 empty meat tanks. :)
There's 2 more clockwork maids in the stash ;)

I did some cooking too.

Another little thing : I got the pastamastery skill which allows me to conjure noodles everyday (up to 3, 1 turn each time), so you'll have some boring spaghettis everyday ;)

And I still need some garniture for the pizzas, bring me some things to put on 'em :D
Guys, prepare a wish list.

I've just come into an absolute shit load of meat.

I mean anything - what do we want to buy? :D
Woah nice. :)

Obvious choices would be to kit out our gym.

Anyone interested in a Clan homepage? I've bashed something up just now, if anyone wants to take a look (this may appear a little familiar, mal ;) )
In the short term there's no real need to add any money to the Clan Stash. Use it for your own training, healing or whatever until I run out of money.

I've got a little under 1 million left. ;)
I sold <s>my soul</s> a Mr. Accessory.

It cost me US$10, but I think getting 2 million meat for the clan was worth it. :)