Ugh I'm turning into joe


Established Member
Ugh I'm turning into joe

What is it that makes life feel like crap sometimes?

Too much school work? Social problems? Fucking ANNOYING parents (to us youngins... all 3 of us)?

I can't pin it but latley I've just been really depressed. I think it's cause i'm realizing that the next half of the school year is gonna just be drag-ass hard work. So much shit to do... so little time to do it. It probably doesnt help one of my friends we thought got aids and were shitting ourselves for a week.

Sorry to lay my trip on you guys. I just want to know what you suggest (other than videogames or medication) that could help me get out of my weird funk.
Ugh I'm turning into joe

Get into a bad habbit of cocain! It'll solve everything! J/K dude. Just wait it out. Things will get better, trust me. I have been in those kind of slumps many times. But Stuff tends to work out.

Just play videogames and spend time with friends, that helps ease the mind. Unless you gots lots of work to do, then that gets fustrating.
Ugh I'm turning into joe

steal your gf ben....haha. Just get involved in something to take your mind away from it all. dont do drugs/alcohol cuz it'll fuk u over in the long run. Maybe get started on a game series u have always wanted to play but never had the time (I suggest the shining series A LOT!). Other than that...just let time pass, it'll get better. Those yrs of my life sucked to....u are so confused. but I am starting to pull out of it a lot better (SO much improvement over the last 6 months). You'll see that once u stop worrying about what other ppl think/say life gets SO much better. You'll make it though, just dont do anything stupid.
Ugh I'm turning into joe

well i'm the way i am because of chronic(serious) depression that i'm seeking help for

life is hard can't say any more about that

the above is right drugs only worsen your problems trust me on that i'm damn serious to say that drugs really really really fuck things up(like alcohol and anything else you use as a cruch)

live it up some if there's something you always wanted to do in your area do it. If nobody wants to do it with you fuck them do it anyway.

talk to anyone that you like to talk to.

dont let little things build up on you

no clue there's no set answer for anything(though people say there are who the fuck knows)
Ugh I'm turning into joe

Originally posted by joe81@Jan 21, 2004 @ 03:43 PM

the above is right drugs only worsen your problems trust me on that i'm damn serious to say that drugs really really really fuck things up (like alcohol and anything else you use as a crutch)

As with all things, it's only when you go to excess that alcohol and drugs are a problem. Moderation is the key. :)

Mind you, there are plenty of substances that I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.
Ugh I'm turning into joe

true mal

but the thing is if you have problems and turn to drugs to provide comfort or displacment from your problems it only makes them worse.

learned helplessness basically

but there's nothing wrong with some drugs just the way you use them

blah blah blah blah blah blah

alcohol awareness course and also abnormal psy course also theory of learning course blah blah blah blah blah sociology courses blah blah blah they all have great explinations of what i stated above that make great sense and use fancy graphs and point things out for you as if either you're retarded or a genius

hey kids crack is wack

cigaretes kill

dont drink and drive

dont shoot up

watch your hot crack pipes

dont think you can fly because you feel like it

no the walls are not moving(and if they are and you've been drinking heavily your about to puke)

dude i sware that lawn elf is looking at me i'm not kidding i sware to god it's staring at me

dont huff

stay away from the crystal

extacy fucks up your seritonin levels in your brain leads to depletion and the inability to produce more

drugs are bad mmmm k

picture yourself in a boat on a river with tangarine trees and marmalaid skies

stream of conscious writing(aka rambling)

(note i've only gotten drunk in my life and now i'm relitively drug free i drink once and awhile but completely controlled)
Ugh I'm turning into joe

If I have tons of things going on and lots of stuff to worry about I tend to try and work it out in my head..

Get the things you can control and or need to accomplish figured out. Put them on a time line.. ie the project u need to get done or whatever.. Figure out how much u need to do and break it up.. thinking about those 6 big project u need to do is not going to get you anywhere.. just pick a place to start..

Secondly.. dont or at least try not to worry about things that you cannot control. If something is going to happen its going to happen whether you worry about it or not. Wait til u see the results and then deal with whatever arises. Often times things work out and there was no reason to worry to begin with.

Once you get all the stuff worked out.. look at the bright side.. or.. at least the side that is the least dark hehe.. make plans, i read in another thread u have a g/f.. come up with some cool and awesome things to do with her.. anything to get the suck ass stuff of your mind.