The new Tenchi GXP series


Established Member
I've been a huge fan of the various Tenchi series since 1996 and I had heard that a new series was planned but just recently had I found any real info about it. I know it's a spinoff based around the galaxy police and I was wondering if anyone had any info about it? I know no official english sub exists yet but this seems odd to me.

Does anyone know when it started production and how many episodes have been made as of now?

I'd really like to get some more info about it since details on the web seem kinda scarce.
Tenchi GXP is quite AWESOME hehe :D. I imported DVD's of this spin off of the Tenchi series as soon as they were avail. There were 26 episodes (Spread Across 3 DVDs). It was ran originally in Japan in 2002, produced by AIC. FUNimation (Dragon Ball Z Dubs, Blue Gender Dubs, etc.) has the US Distribution rights to the series (which is dissapointing as Pioneer has all of the rights to past Tenchi US releases... and they did an EXCELLENT job).

If you don't mind subs, I reccomend getting this. Though it really doesn't concentrate on the main characters of the Tenchi series, it has the same style, expanding on the perverse humor, quite possibly the most humorous of the entire series.

If you're interested, I could probably get you the subbed series for a bit cheaper from some of my import sources, contact me via PM of coarse for that ;).

Anyway, this is a great series, glad to see interest in it :D :D.
Hm I heard that there were no official subs and that the best you could get were shitty HK fansubs. Is that true or are the subbed dvd's you have actually of decent quality?
The ones I had seemed quite professional. I'll have to go look to see who released them. Video, Sound, and the subtitles were nothing less then professional. BTW, remembered another little rumor I heard, GXP will start showing on Toonami (Funimation Dubs) starting Nov 29th. Not sure whether to believe that or not, but maybe something to look forward... but there is a LOT that will be cut out for showing on Toonami, even adult swim heh.
I despise funimation. They bastardize all the anime which I would otherwise actually spend money on. Although I guess that's how they can get away with it in the first place.
cmon gaz it'll be worth it to shell out the money. I betcha there's tits... you like tits. Stare deeply into the tits.. (.y.)
Yep, its quite cool, will answer a lot of question that were left unanswered. Screenshots <-- Here are some screenshots of Volume One. Hopefully, Pioneer (aka Genoen) will grab the US rights to this instead of Funimation like with GXP.
Cool. Will I need to have watched gxp to get it? I only saw like the first 2 eps and I never even watched all the tokyo series all the way through.
it follows the oav character line, and if i recall correctly, is supposed to end up dealing with the story behind the 3 goddesses (washu, tsunami, tokemi, iirc) or something like that. if you watched the original oav and what not then you should be fine, gxp was jsut a side story of sorts and tenchi ni tokyo sucked cept for the last half