i have the GC and it is good

You're right. But I'd prefer not to have to mod my GC and I fully intend on playing games like Eternal Darkness and Zelda, which I assume will be fairly text heavy.

Besides, I can't afford one at the moment :p
hahahahaha! tyou guys are funny =)

So its gonna be busy this november.... What are you guys going to buy?

Just sum:

Metal Gear Solid 2

... 650?

Nahh.. I will buy Metal now, and wait for a while, till prices go down a bit .. and until I check how well they do (I will buy them anyway... just a matter of time, sometimes I wait a generation to buy them.. like with N64... )
Gamecubes at the top of my list. I'm not even slightly interested in the XBox.

As for MGS2, I'll wait for the Platinum release :)
Why not the xbox? I think its gonna kickass. I plan to get one of each really. I have a gba I picked up for 15$, and I love it and hope to see some nice features of the two systems together. Anyway, does anyone know anything about the copy protection in the gamecube? If anyone owns one, can you check to see if the cd will copy to your harddrive with a dvd ripper?
If I know Nintendo, they'll have some kind of nasty protection on the discs. Not necessarily so much to combat copying, but to keep unlicensed publishers from selling GC software. They've had fairly nasty schemes in place for this purpose since NES and AFAIK only a few companies have really managed to get around it.