Genesis Programming Primer?

Does anyone have a link to good places to read about development for the Genesis? Specifically, i'm looking for tutorials on setting up the proper environment to work on and test homebrew, as well as perhaps some sample code to get me started/familiar with the system. The best i've been able to find is mostly scary, sterile documention. I've got basic programming skills as it is(nothing related, just useless java) and don't expect to bust out Sonic the Hedgehog in a weekend, but I do have time and patience and would really appreciate anything you guys could point me towards(genesis or coding wise).
Let's not forget and its incredible VDP doc.

Also, check the 68k Programming Manual.
If you have questions about while you are learning, I would check out the forum's at SpritesMind The site is owned by Kaneda, who has been part of the home brew Genesis Dev scene for a very long time (many of us who have learned have used his tools, source examples, and advice) as well as some of the celebrities of Genesis Development. You can pick up Stef's GCC DevKit there (Stef created the Gens emulator and a variety of awesome emulation project, he has been steadily improving this devkit, I love it). The kit includes some samples, and anyone at the forums would be more than happy to welcome you and help you.