EMS AR 4in1 : Ex-Cyber's PAR firmware replacement


I have 2 of these nice EMS AR 4in1 plus cartridges, and I am puzzled about Ex-Cyber's PAR firmware replacement/upgrade tool found in the tools section of this site. Should I upgrade with this archive? any pros? cons? I have not messed with AR , I just use it to bypass region locks and as RAM.

Thanks :biggrin:
If you haven't had any issues, I wouldn't recommend replacing it.

AFAIK, Ex-Cybers tool is meant as more of a recovery tool then anything.
dibz said:
AFAIK, Ex-Cybers tool is meant as more of a recovery tool then anything.
That's correct. Also, the firmware images in arflash are just the most common ones; there's a chance that you have a weird cart with different flash chips, in which case flashing it could break the save management / code update functions (because you flashed a firmware that doesn't recognize the chips in your cart).
so the old rule applies: if it ain't broken don't fix it!


I just asked because I thought maybe this flash was "hacked" and added perhaps extra usefull features

thanks for the replies!