Devesis -(Personal Project)

Thought i would drop a line to say that I'm still alive a tiny bit in developing for Genesis. I'm working on a project I've called Devesis, its a Sega Genesis Development Kit (more like a tool-chain setup, made to work with Dev-C++). Just thought I would post some screenshots and see if there is any interest. Check my page for more info. Oh by the way Fonzie and Kaneda, if you would like to link to my site, I would love to be there, I changed my old link a time ago, my Gen Dev page is now here: genDEV



Large Picture of Above
wow, refreshing!

I use devc++ a lot for windows progrmming (msdos), maybe i'll use it :D , i love the colored code :D

Also, it should be good to include all the defines we use (like GFX_CNTL, BUTTON_S, uchar, ushort...).

I'll add ur website to the devring :D (and if u can add the devring logo....) :D

Good luck
