Cool RPG site...

For all RPG fans, here is a nice site with a lot of classic RPGs (Phanstasy Star, Final Fanstasy, ect...)

Lots of wallpapers, Pics, walkthroughs & Reviews...

By the way...

Did these Game Gear RPGs ever have a US-Euro release?

Ax Battler (J)

Royal Stone (J)

Last Bible (J)

Laste Bible 2 (J)

These translation sites don't have any patches...

Thanks in advance.
I really like the 'themed' pages for each game. I realize it's not a new idea and some of the game sections were better than others, but on the whole it was nice. In an endless pool of similar game sites, presentation is really the only thing that can allow one to stand out from all the others. The author(s) of the site seem to somewhat understand that and the effort is clear.

That being said, the site feels like it needs more content. Older RPGs are great, but there isn't alot that would draw me back to site on a regular basis.