Broken LED light on Gen model 1

ok... the two LED light cables broke off right where they pretty much begin, the red one broke off from the top, and the white from the bottom, it's kind of hard to describe, but whatever. So then I tried to solder them, it failed... as the cables would not join at all because of the small workspace, and my wire stripper's cutting holes were too big for the cables, so i tried cutting them a bit, and then i lost like 3 cm of red cable...

To sum it up, i did a shit job, and now I need to replace pretty much the whole LED power light and cable system. Where can I buy another, and how do I fix it? and getting another genesis as a replacement is not an option.

Hello, you're refeering to the Power LED? This LED its solded to a cable that haves a plug.This plug is connected to the mainboard.

You should replace the LED with a similar one(you can find a large variety of LEDs in any electronic house).

You can by one. it's a 3mm red color LED.That LED should cost you less than 10 cents.

Now, the tricky part.As i've said before,the LED isn't solded directly to mainboard. It haves two cables(white color?) and a plug that goes connected to the mainboard.

So, get a soldering iron and some tin to solder the LED pins to the white cables again. The LED have two "legs": one is the + and the other is the -.

If you dont remember witch cable is the + and the -, you can try one position, and if it doesnt work(the LED wont turn on), you must change connections and solder it again.

Good luck.
Originally posted by SaturnAR@Tue, 2006-06-27 @ 12:24 AM

Hello, you're refeering to the Power LED? This LED its solded to a cable that haves a plug.This plug is connected to the mainboard.

You should replace the LED with a similar one(you can find a large variety of LEDs in any electronic house).

You can by one. it's a 3mm red color LED.That LED should cost you less than 10 cents.

Now, the tricky part.As i've said before,the LED isn't solded directly to mainboard. It haves two cables(white color?) and a plug that goes connected to the mainboard.

So, get a soldering iron and some tin to solder the LED pins to the white cables again. The LED have two "legs": one is the + and the other is the -.

If you dont remember witch cable is the + and the -, you can try one position, and if it doesnt work(the LED wont turn on), you must change connections and solder it again.

Good luck.

[post=146804]Quoted post[/post]​

Ok... can I also replace the cables? The red cable is pretty much unusable now, and how do I unplug the yellow plug from the motherboard without ripping it apart, because it seems stuck in there tightly. Thanks
Sure you can replace the cables.

The problem could be if you dont have enough cable attached to the plug.In this case, you could try to insert new cables to the plug connectors(after removing the old rest of cables from the plug connectors), or try asking in an electronic house (show the plug to the salesman) if they have those kind of plugs and buy a new one(perhaps u can find them with the piece of cable already attached to it).

To unplug the plug, you must be patient, play arround moving the plug a little with a little clamp holding it.

The plug should release before your force can damage the circuit board.
