Big counterfeit bust in Minnesota Malls

It was those multi-game things. Shapped like an N-64 controller. But slow day yes. And Nintendo is really fighting to protect the old stuff.
I haven't seen any... yet :D Piracy in OZ sucks - can you believe it's legal to run a modding business here? And the amount of CDR's they sell in the free paper is headache inducing.
They have alot of those kiosks in the malls around Philly here. They do sell like hotcakes.
To sell those multigame units. I was gonna pick one up, gust because. It was $30 and you got a light gun unit and an N64 unit. They contained like over a hundred games. Many were hacks, like Super mario with sonic, black mario and such. Kind of funny. But hella convenient. Just plugs straight in. Makes me realize how much I don't want to skrew with the big N.