Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku


Established Member
It has the name "Akuma" in the title, so it has to be good, right? :lol: You know the drill: like, dislike, confused? :thumbs-up: あくままたた!
While I haven't played the Saturn version Symphony of the Night is an excellent game, one of my favorites. Too bad I got stuck a year ago and still haven't figured out where to go next.
This game, was one of my favorites, unfortunately, I played the psx version, because it was in english... but what I don't get is the chronology or lack there of, in the whole castlevania series, does anyone know or have info on a link?? To me there is no "succession" in the series, it seems to me to be scattered all over the place... IMO.
Best Akumajo Dorakura game ever.

Beautiful graphics and overall design, amazing music, nice story... it has everything.

Alucard あいしてる!
Great game, although I still prefer the PCEngine-CD game somewhat (I like my Castlevanias linear and with the standard weapons). Probably tied for first in the music department.

but what I don't get is the chronology or lack there of, in the whole castlevania series, does anyone know or have info on a link?? To me there is no "succession" in the series, it seems to me to be scattered all over the place... IMO.

It's pretty complicated. The first three games on NES (or at least the first two) are in order IIRC, but it gets all wonky from there. This is a pretty good site that has a fair amount of info:

After playing the PSX version its kinda hard to enjoy the SS one. The jukebox was a nice extra and all characters were available from the start not bad.
It's pretty complicated. The first three games on NES (or at least the first two) are in order IIRC, but it gets all wonky from there. This is a pretty good site that has a fair amount of info:


thanks for the site... REAAAALLLY good info.. man oh man is this series "not in order" ,lol... the first game in the series chronologically, is the latest ps2 ver... LOL... thanks again. :lol: