new genesis game to come : Teenage Queen

hello everyone,

it's my pleasure to announce the coming of one new genesis game for our beloved console. thanks to Foxy, i was able to port the game "Teenage Queen" to the genesis. It's a straigth port from the Atari ST version, it's a very artistic strip poker featuring 12 really good pixel art artwork in 16 colors !.

The game might be produced with card, clamshell box & manual. The aim here is not really to make money , as we don't have the rights on the game, but think of it more like a tribute to the Megadrive/Genesis and the fact that we're having fun to produce a complete new product for adding in our cards collection shelve ;)

Our first price estimation is ranging from 25 to 35 dollars. We're taking pre-orders now , more information


you can find some screens and comments about amiga version here :


How many units do you expect to produce? If it's more than a tiny number have you looked into mask ROM production? OTP EPROM is pretty nice nowadays, but I still can't shake the feeling that a "proper" production would use mask ROM. Call me old-fashioned. ;)
i think with all the preorders, i gonna produce 30 pieces. For now we re thinking about eeprom, or flash cards, we don't know yet :)
Okay, from what I've heard no mask ROM vendor would even talk to you for that. I think the typical minimum for a mask ROM production is something like 5000pcs, although I've heard that there are ways around that if you're not on a tight schedule (like sharing wafers with other ROMs). For something this small, OTP EPROM seems like the obvious choice...