LaserActive ROM Disc?

Hey, I have a LaserActive with the PAC-S10, and it will only work with SegsCDs, and not carts. I have an X'Eye too, but it wouldn't play CDs so I took it apart to fix it, but part of the CD board was broken off, so I just left it apart, until I was able to recreate the missing part, but by that time I lost some buttons and screws, so I'd rather just use the LaserActive. Blah, blah, blah, anyhow... I was wondering if there's any ROM loader for SegaCD. The only thing I could find was a reference to "SegaCD Max" @ which is gone now and apparently wasn't ever actually available anyway. Or--even less likely--if anybody has any ideas about what's wrong with the cart slot on my PAC-S10, which has never worked, out of the box, that would be great too.
what do you call "rom loader" ? a CD with Genny rom on it ? if it's that, it seems it's impossible for >256Ko rom.

MoD will correct me if i'm wrong...
Ya, as in burn the backup ROMs of the carts (which I have, but can't use) on to a CD, then put it in the LaserActive, and pick the one I want to play from a menu, and then play it... just the same as if I had inserted the normal cart (and it had worked) from which said ROM came.
Ya, as in burn the backup ROMs of the carts (which I have, but can't use) on to a CD, then put it in the LaserActive, and pick the one I want to play from a menu, and then play it... just the same as if I had inserted the normal cart (and it had worked) from which said ROM came.

You did that or its what you want to do?

Because, games which are compiled for the cartridge aren't compatible with the segacd (even with a loader).
Like I said, the PAC doesn't work, but I got it in the box with the stickers still on it, etc. So, unless it's a common problem, it's not going to be an obvious problem to fix. What prevents a SegaCD program from sending the ROM data to the Genesis CPU? I mean, that's what Corpse Killer, Fahrenheit, Night Trap, Slam City, and Supreme Warrior do with the 32X right? Does that mean that they recompiled all of the games on the Sega Classics 4-in-1 CD (Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Columns, Golden Axe)?
For games < 256ko, its only a compilation address issue (but pretty impossible to do since we don't have any source code).

Any way, there is only a few games < 256ko.

For games > 256ko, its pretty impossible (since the games needs to reload gfx & sound very fast).

For sega4in1, I'm sure that they keep the same source code and they compressed the datas to make easch game <256ko and they just compilated at the good address.

But i repeat, its impossible for us to do the same thing.


the 4in1 is a brand new version recompiled for the MCD...

if you look on the CD, i remember there is several files for each game, not 4 roms
Also, the 4in1 Golden Axe uses redbook audio for music, and Streets of Rage uses PCM files for voices (they sound much better). Also at least Streets of Rage seems to be split in same-sized files. They probably had to add CD loading code before each level or something.

Maybe the load time is short because each of those files contains all data and code that must be in RAM to run one or two levels. That way the CD-ROM don't have to seek for data scattered around the CD.
:blush: hamemmm, so SOR segacd wan't a good exemple.

But i'm sure that its the same code with only gfx reloads from cd.

Maybe Colums is fully loaded (only one file)?
You can burn Columns (or any 256KB game) to a eprom chip and then replace the SCD bios chip with this eprom. When you turn on the Genesis the SCD just became the biggest most expensive version of Columns.