GTA san andreas

Well sometimes, you have no choice but to play a game on a console, because you don't have a powerful enough computer to play it. So, you eventually play a weak port anyway, since it was meant to be played on the computer. Best personal example :Deus Ex Invisible War. Great for the ten bucks I spent on it, but when I loaded the demo on my new PC, I knew I had made a mistake. The art design is still shit, as with most of Spector's recent titles, but at least it's high-res shit, like Thief Deadly Shadows......
This is how I give it to games of recent: when ya stoned and bored its great to waste the time. GTA, Fable, a good deal of FPS's... these games are easy to learn (fable complex controls but still remarkably easy to learn), look beautiful, and take lil to know thought control.

I got hooked on GTA1 back in 10th when I ate lots of acid and smoked bud... i got hooked on GTA3 when I was low on cash and had to slow down on college (again REALLY STONE) and I got hooked on Fable on a night i was really down due to bad news that drove me to get really stoned and drunk. I was really disapointed though after beating it in less then 24 hours.