Firefox 1.0.1 is out!

one of my old sites in firefox:


neither the image alphablending or the javascript dropdown menus work.

in IE, both work.


in Opera, the menus work, alphablending doesn't.

(no pic, don't have Opera installed)

I'll reupload the site in a min, so you can bitch at the uncomplete shit code making it unworking on the greatness of the Firefox browser, because, obviously, it must be the fault of the code and not the browser rendering it cause Firefox is like omgwtf perfect and all.
That would be my assumption. If you truly think it's the fault of Firefox, then submit a bug report. Either way, I'm sure it's fixable, and I'm sure it's fixable on your end even if it is a Firefox bug. However, the inherent superiority of your code is made blatantly obvious by the elite color scheme you employ; therefore there will be no need to check it out.
Yes, I suppose it's a well-known fact that using green colors in a desktop theme in whatever combination makes a user uber 1337, but still I would like some of you geniuses to look on the code and tell me why it isn't working. Who knows, maybe you can find some kind of typo that I stupidly made while exercising my superiority, making the page broken on all browsers minus Opera and IE.

jokes aside, I made the page when I was umm 15 years old and Netscape Composer was the oh-so-top editor to my knowledge. tho it's true that I cleaned and boosted it once I learned some basic HTML, but the page still sucks, really. The sidebar code comes from some old PC Format demo cds autorun browse menu.

I do plan on rewriting it to be firefox compatible though. It's just a pain that all of the major browsers render EVERYTHING differently, and I have to rewrite everything so it lookes the same on all of them.

Personally, I would have nothing against firefox if it could support more stuff with better resource usage (after 1 day of running, it was eating 80% cpu and 120mb ram), and have a less zealous userbase.