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  1. L

    Burning a CD

    Oh, I'm dumb. Thanks a lot.
  2. L

    Burning a CD

    Well, I have successfully modded my Saturn (I think,) and was wondering, what is the correct format to burn a CD? For example, some come in .iso, some are full of MP3s, ect. So does it even matter? If so, which one? The game I was attempting to play before (Guardian Heroes) was in .mdf / .mds...
  3. L

    Has anyone used these saturn modchips before?

    Hey guys. Sorry I'm asking for help on my first post. =/ I just ordered this same modchip. It arrived today, and I'm currently installing it. When I have the modchip plugged in, the disk doesn't spin at all. It just keeps 'checking disk format'. That guide on his site doesn't seem to do justice...