Search results

  1. RazorX

    Saturn Action Replay Plus 4M Auto Board Scans & Measurements (1200 DPI)

    As the title suggests i have stripped and scanned my sega saturn action replay and scanned in the motherboard at 1200 dpi so you can see and follow any of the traces for anyone who is interested in recreating or modding it. Front: Back: Board Measurements: Main Components: Notes: C3...
  2. RazorX

    [Release] Easy 0GDTEX.PVR Tools

    I've put together some tools to help anyone who owns a GDEmu and is sick of having games in there list that doesn't show the disc image to finally be able to add one as well as games that have a disc image but it's upside down, Now with these tools i've made you can very easily do it. Note...
  3. RazorX

    [Release] Shenmue US To UK Save Converter

    This is a pc app i made based off of a request and is untested, This replaces the really old method that was released a long time ago that would now require you to do it on an old OS such as windows 98 and enter commands via command prompt. Preview: From what i read of the old method this...
  4. RazorX

    Sega Saturn Ram Cartridge PCB Images

    Here are the pcb images for the sega saturn ram cartridges. 1Mb Cartridge (2x HM514260CJ-7): Front Back 4Mb Cartridge (2x HY5118164BJC-60): Front Back
  5. RazorX

    Sega Saturn Movie Card PCB Images

    I couldn't find any images of this online so i took pictures of mine, sorry my phone is not the greatest. External: Internal: Top Bottom
  6. RazorX

    Saturn Cartridge PCB Edge Help

    Hey guys, Does anyone know where i can get the sega saturn cartridge pcb edge eagle library file from? I was going to look into making my own custom ram cartridge and it would really help a lot if i could start off with an accurate pcb edge and pinout, It would save me a lot of time thanks. This:
  7. RazorX

    [Release] Phantasy Star Online Section ID Calculator v0.2

    Hey guys here is a nice little section id calculator i made for pso, I know there are section id calculators out there already but i was never happy about how basic they were especially for new players so i decided to make one myself which shows you some handy info and some simple...
  8. RazorX

    [Release] GDMenu Theme Manager

    GDMenu Theme Manager Video Demonstration (Recorded on linux so looks slightly off) (If you're having an issue with creating an OpenMenu theme, Please run this app as Administrator) Image: Example: This is an example of a higher quality theme. Downloads: GDEMU Theme Manager...
  9. RazorX

    Saturn Action Replay Plus 4M Auto Dual Boot Mod

    Hey guys here is a simple mod i have done to my Action Replay 4M Plus cartridge so i can dual boot the Action Replay firmware as well as the Pseudo Saturn Kai Lite firmware or a different firmware, For anyone interested here is the guide i've done. This guide is for Action Replays with 2x...