Recent content by morlock

  1. M

    Ulimate Shoot Em Up system.

    My favorites were Hybris, Battle Squadron, Llamatron, and Datastorm.
  2. M

    Advice for Multimedia Project

    It is mostly processor dependent. Go to They have freeware tools and tutorials on how to do it right. One thing, if you are in the US violating the DMCA might not be a good basis for a school project.
  3. M

    Upgrading AMD XP Processor

    Get an Athlon XP Mobile, The multiplyer is not locked, which makes it easy to overclock. I upgraded a system last year with a new Motherboard, Processor and memory. The Athlon XP 2500 Mobile was able to run at the same speed as an Athlon XP 3200, 2.2GHz (200 * 11) with a 1 degree C increase...